Core CompetenciesWe endeavor our best effort in providing distinctive, quality, reliable, and cost-efficient Islamic Finance and Halal solutions to your business needs that are practical and Shariah-compliant.
Kemahiran TerasCore Competencies
Tawafuq Consultancy provides a complete range of services under one roof through its Islamic Finance and Shariah specialists who are handpicked to provide the most extensive and effective services to clients:
Consultation, advisory and services in relation to the banking, capital mark
Customized in-house, public, and online learning, capacity building,
Promoting sustainable and socially responsible business practices al
Consultation, advisory, and services in the application and renewal
Research & product development in Islamic finance, organising se
ServicesCreative features
from production industry
Nilai TerasCore Values
Berorientasikan Pelanggan
Understanding the client’s requirements to provide professional customized and personalized services.
Amalan Terbaik
Best Practices
Adoption of the highest professional standards of applying the Shariah regulations, legal requirements, and effective good governance.
Rangkaian Global, Pandangan Tempatan
Global Network, Local Insight
Expanding the strategic global cooperation and network whilst maintaining practical and suitable local perspective towards each consultation.
Teknologi Canggih
State-Of-The-Art Technology
Services delivered efficiently.

Special products for the best customers ever
FeaturesThe advantages of our company are in the quality of products
Allan wrasse climbing gourami amur pike Arctic char, steelhead sprat sea lamprey grunion. Walleye poolfish sand goby butterfly ray stream catfish jewfish.
Spanish mackerel yellow weaver sixgill. Sandperch flyingfish yellowfin cutthroat trout grouper whitebait horsefish bullhead shark California smoothtongue, striped burrfish threadtail saber-toothed blenny Red
- Round stingray Atlantic silverside
- Baikal oilfish flagfin sturgeon Atlantic
- Baikal oilfish flagfin sturgeon Atlantic
Anugerah & PenghargaanAwards & Accolades

International Finance Best End-to-End Islamic Finance Consultant 2019
United Kingdom (Financial Awards), Held in Bangkok, Thailand

Global Islamic Finance Award (GIFA) 2019 Best Emerging Shari’a Advisory Firm
Held in Cape Town, South Africa

Islamic Retail Banking Awards (IRBA) Best Training Provider 2019
Held in Muscat, Oman.
Pelanggan TerkemukaNotable Clients